Congress, Don't Be Scared!
Our legislators should stop worrying about whatever personal information that the Bush CIA has gathered on them and start acting responsible. There is life after scandal and as long as they are in fear of exposure, they are not going to do the job they were hired to do and royally paid for doing. G.W. will continue to commit crimes against humanity, high crimes and misdemeanors with impunity. The legislators must stop filling the coffers of the Haliburton war machines and it's subsidiaries with American tax dollars. Representatives and Senators wake up to reason and common sense. In all of the expenditure, sacrifice and mourning that the American public has had to endure, who is benefiting from this war? Where are the weapons of mass destruction? When do we stop building the nation that we weren't going to build? Who really benefits from the high gas prices? and WHERE IS OSAMA BIN LADEN? Are we still looking for him or was that a ruse too! Congress Don't Be Scared, Be Responsible!
If you look at the current congressional scandals with elected officials finally being prosecuted for doing what they have been doing for years (accepting payola etc) it is ez to see that they are now running scared and will let GDubya do whatever he wants!
Figure this: There is no "War in Iraq" unlike what the LieWitness news professes. It is a corporate Invasion funded by us and benefitting the Corporata. A war must be declared by congress and involves 2 warring nations. This invasion has not been declared and most people want out, yet the Entertainment Industrial Complex makes sure we all stay connected to the Matrix -even the Congress.
We are all victims of Spiritual Identity Theft!
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There's reasons to believe that the current influx of congressional scandals is a result of congressional attempts "to do" something about G. W. His response is to release damaging info gathered by Big Daddy's C.I.A. on the congressional critics who can do the most damage to the regime, and if all else fails and they have no scandal take them hunting and shoot them. Then make them go on national TV and apologize for being in front of the gun!
Figure this: you got it but I'm not up on the EIC.
Matrix! Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive!
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