Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What is really going on?

According to Merriam-Webster On-line Dictionary: Illegal 1. not according to or authorized by law 2. not sanctioned by official rules Unlawful 1. not lawful : ILLEGAL 2. not morally right or conventional Criminalize 1. to make illegal What really is going on? How do you criminalize something that is already illegal? How is it that people in this country illegally can have legal protests for “their rights”. What rights? Tax payers rights? Why haven’t the current Immigration and Naturalization laws been enforced? You can call it undocumented if you want to, but illegal is illegal. Why haven’t the protesters’ in this country illegally, “flooded” the Immigration and Naturalization Service offices to start their process to legalization and naturalization? Maybe it’s because in order to become citizens they would have to declare the time they have been here and in declaring that time they would become liable for back taxes and subject to charges of tax evasion. Thus the illegal hole gets deeper. How is it that the United States government has been lulled into such twisted thinking to believe that the laws of this country need to be altered to safeguard people who entered the country illegally, work here illegally, and refused to pay taxes to the country they love so much. Now instead of enforcing the law that is in place Congress wants to make “another” law that won’t be enforced? What a joke. Everything is a smoke screen in America. Again, maybe the need to change the immigration laws stems from the fact that in order to become citizens they would have to declare the time they have been here and in declaring that time they would become liable for back taxes and subject to charges of tax evasion. Thus the illegal hole gets deeper. NAFTA didn’t work, if it did this country would not have become the host to so many illegal inhabitants. Jobs would have been created. NAFTA gave U.S. companies the legal ability to put many Americans out of work by sending jobs to Mexico. The first sign of workers getting organized gave these companies the excuse and ability to send the work to other countries because the jobs had already been moved out of the United States. Now Bush says illegal aliens do work that Americans don’t want to do, more Lies, a large number of men in this country illegally work in construction, is this work that Americans don’t want to do? Who asked them? The statistics given for the type of work that employs illegal aliens in this country are seriously suspect of falsification. The “poll” claims the majority of work performed is farm work, there are no farms in Chicago. What really is going on? Oh yeah, the economy won't collapse .... As it always has.... America will adapt.


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