Sunday, June 03, 2007

Don't put this one off on Black Women!

There are problems with women leading the charge against “Sexist Hip Hop as Roland S. Martin suggest. First the organizations of Black women that he mentions, for whatever reason, don’t think the rappers are talking about them so they don’t care. The most influential men of the past and the present have been silent. Nothing from Bond, Young, West, Smiley, Dyson, Obama, C. Powell or his son (the ex-head of the FCC who lead the charge to denigrate Janet Jackson for an error that was not her fault) I can‘t even type his name, Poitier, Joyner and I could go on and on. He suggest that Black women should lead the fight and what I am saying is this, again, this time by choice and not circumstances Black women are left to fend for themselves. Subsequently, some Black women have tried to ignore the problem by saying “they aren’t talking about me” because they have no “Backup”! Look at other ethnic groups, they hold their women up, and do not allow them to be torn down. White men don’t see anything wrong as long as it’s not their women. Remember what happened for whistling? I bet you think the end of Emmitt Tills’ life was horrible. Just think what would have happened to him if he had said something derogatory, they would still be looking for the pieces. Just an FYI Black people don’t get the respect they want because they don’t stick together and they don’t respect each other so other ethnic groups don’t respect Black people. That is the legacy unless Black people stop putting each other down and separating themselves from the problems that don’t directly hit them. What doesn’t hit Black people from the front will come around the back and pull the rug from under them. Our society is so sick I saw an Oriental man interviewed on “Dancing with the Stars” and he described his favorite white male contestant as “my schizal minigal” now what was he saying in Snoop Dog language? Do you think he knew? Or knows? If you really look at it like it is… if Black women get up and start raising a ruckus, they will be labeled, look at them Black B’s and H’s, cranky B’s and H’s, man hating B’s and H’s and on and on and it will come from all men and women all races and some Black women will be extra critical because that is what they know, because Black men don’t back Black women up and Black people don’t like each other. People go to church and won’t speak to people who sit around us every service unless the Reverend says, “look at your neighbor and say… The psychological damage that has been done to Black people has been precise, direct, swift and sure, long lasting and it appears binding. One more FYI, in the month of March, Ebony published an article about Hip Hop disrespecting Black women, in the same month Jet published an article about how smart some Black women graduates were for getting educated and then becoming “Video Vixens” while they still have their “looks”. Isn’t Ebony and Jet published by the same “Black” company? Black people are so confused. And Martin suggest Black women lead the way, again! HA!


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