Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mountain Climbing. Not for the faint of heart!.

Mountain Climbing. Not for the faint of heart! http://www.wtop.com/index.php?nid=391&sid=817476 I don't know much about mountain climbing, but what kind of people leave a person who has become ill, on the mountain to die? Is mountain climbiing the kind of activity that freezes your brain and diminshes your capacity to think, reason and problem solve? Is it so cold on the mountain that no matter how many clothes you have on your heart freezes, you loose the capacity to feel, and you loose compassion? I know there is less oxygen because of the altitude and because there's less vegetationbut does this diminsh thinking capacity or numb the the natural senses of decency? Having experienced being impaired on a mountain and loosing limbs as a result, how do you leave a fellow climber to die? Is the satisfaction of reaching the top of the mountain so orgasmic that the need to experience the rush dissolves common sense and replaces it with indifference? Whatever it is that causes humans to leave other humans on a mountain to die is without a doubt a dark and sinister force of this worlds' twisted reality. Climbing enthusiast beware! Mountain climbing is not for the faint of heart! That fact applies to persons who leave a disabled climber as well as to the one being left to die!


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