Did You Know Your Freedom To Information Is Being Shut Down?
F.Y.I. This email was sent to me this a.m. The signature and personal names have been removed for lack of reprint permission, but the content has not been altered. This is what your tax dollars are paying for! Dear Norma R., This was sent to me by a host....CO Courts Shut Down Access to Certain Files http://www.rcfp.org/news/releases/20060425-reportersc.htmlhttp://tinyurl.com/rz6al (25 Apr) In response to a state Supreme Court directive last year, 10 judicial districts in Colorado have shut down public access to domestic relations and probate files. The high court ordered the lower courts to withhold the confidential information contained within these records.Ten of the judicial districts, however, do not have the resources to redact the information. They responded by blocking access to the records in their entirety. This action could spread to other states. They are using to the excuse of lack of funds to redact to destroy freedom of information on the state level, which has already been done to a great extent on the federal level through numerous amendments to the FOIA. My response: All the more reason people need to know how to combat the courts from taking away our rights. Jurisdictionary isn't just about winning your lawsuit. It is also about how not to lose what was fought for and paid for by the blood of others to maintain our rights which was originally spoken by Christ, later by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, documented in the the Bible and later in the Declaration of Independence. It's all too sad what the Government has become, how moment by moment they are liquefying our God given rights. We all need to standup and take responsibility for ourselves in learning what our Lord and forefathers enacted and died for. How to fight the courts (which are the government) by using the methods that have been tried and true! We need to have direct roads of reaching more and more people to empower them with the correct knowledge to combat the judicial system by not letting them become more corrupt and making them follow the rules of law. We all as a Nation need to stand up and reclaim what is ours. We need to do it the right way, the only way, the way our Lord has intended, through knowledge and know how. The only way we know of to successfully accomplish this goal is with using what Jurisdictionary teaches. This is why we have decided to take Jurisdictionary on the road to try to reach more people quickly before it is too late........ I don't know if this affects your ability to get the names and addresses of litigants....Don't let this stop you from trying......We all need to do what ever expenditure of energy it takes to accomplish reaching the masses... ======================================================== Please send all replies to: http://us.f367.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=seminars@jurisdictionary.com&YY=92914&order=down&sort=date&pos=0 Or call us Toll Free: 866-Law-Easy (866-529-3279) Thank you! Jurisdictionary Seminar Manager
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