Friday, January 25, 2013

HMO'S Hospice and Healthcare

I have been walking through the cancer trap with my sister and the inadequate care in that whole system is truly sad. Her husband has good government coverage and thought the HMO affliate was good, but the problems that patients and families are put through by insurance companies and HMOs in particular is ridiculous. Why are persons, not trained in medicine, giving directives to doctors on what care a cancer patient can or cannot receive? Why are these non medical persons second guessing doctors? This is asinine. There is a standard of treatment for each type of cancer, in relation to the stage of progression that has been set for years. The problems that we have had to endure on top of the devastating effects of cancer are just uncalled for. It is well documented and recommended that early detection is the best course of action in fighting cancer and the actual cure of some cancers. The HMO's set us on a path that prolonged treatment. Even though the doctors at Sykes know that the "petscan" is the best and most comprehensive test for detecting cancer they sent us on a round of x-ray's, MRI's, and bone scan's. To get better care we had to beg to get out of the HMO before the open enrollment period to get to a doctor who cared what happened to her, I think we were too late. The lack of good treatment for people with "Good Government Coverage" is horrendous. What I began to realize was that Cancer treatment on the whole is about selling expensive procedures (radiation) and treatments (chemotherapy-cost $4000 a treatment). These treatments have absolutely nothing to do with curing anyone; they make the person sicker than the cancer made them, before the cancer would have made them really sick. I have cried many days and nights at the image of the people coming into the hospital cancer centers and oconologist office "ALONE" because I know the troubles we have and to think of a sick person, with no one to help them as they try to navigate thru the insurance mess and also trying to understand everything the doctors are saying, tears my heart up. Once I told my children radiation maybe? probably not but definitely no to chemotherapy. I'll die from cancer instead of put my body through the side effects of the treatment and maintenance of s disease that they will not cure. Now, if I should get cancer I won't tell anyone, I'm going to leave the doctors office and proceed to LIVE the best and the rest of my life instead of prepare to die and compromise my immune system with chemicals so that I have no choice but to die. There maybe a cure already but they won't tell us because there's no money in cure, no profit margin, and what would they do with all the unused chemo drugs? It's far too expensive for the pharmaceutical companies to cure cancer. Good Healthcare is part of the Bill of Rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! Americans should be able to walk in a hospital or healthcare facility and get the best healthcare because they are humans living in the richest country in the world and they are American citizens who support this country no matter what mistakes our leaders make. Let's finally get this one right, God Bless America!