Saturday, June 10, 2006

Yahoo Shapoo

I send Yahoo everything they request for them to check out Yahoo spammers and everytime they send the same message. Send the Original subject line and the full headers, whatever, you still get this message Hello,Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.Mass distribution of unsolicited email messages (or "spamming") violatesthe Yahoo! Terms of Service (TOS). Please include the following in your report of email abuse to assist us in a prompt and full investigation: 1. Original subject line -- Please forward the email with a subject identical to the original subject. 2. Complete headers -- Email programs often display abbreviated headers. To learn how to display the full headers in a Yahoo! Mail account, please visit the Yahoo! Mail Help Desk at:

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mountain Climbing. Not for the faint of heart!.

Mountain Climbing. Not for the faint of heart! I don't know much about mountain climbing, but what kind of people leave a person who has become ill, on the mountain to die? Is mountain climbiing the kind of activity that freezes your brain and diminshes your capacity to think, reason and problem solve? Is it so cold on the mountain that no matter how many clothes you have on your heart freezes, you loose the capacity to feel, and you loose compassion? I know there is less oxygen because of the altitude and because there's less vegetationbut does this diminsh thinking capacity or numb the the natural senses of decency? Having experienced being impaired on a mountain and loosing limbs as a result, how do you leave a fellow climber to die? Is the satisfaction of reaching the top of the mountain so orgasmic that the need to experience the rush dissolves common sense and replaces it with indifference? Whatever it is that causes humans to leave other humans on a mountain to die is without a doubt a dark and sinister force of this worlds' twisted reality. Climbing enthusiast beware! Mountain climbing is not for the faint of heart! That fact applies to persons who leave a disabled climber as well as to the one being left to die!

Divide and Conquer

I found this on and thought it was very interesting! You might not like how they say it but isn't it TRUTH? What do you think? You're Debating Gay Marriage? What a Bunch of Idiots! To all you twits who're getting fooled yet once again To conquer, we must first divide... I cannot believe that any of those who post here are actually debating the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment to the Constitution. The fact that some people are actually taking this alleged issue seriously proves just how gullible Americans can be. You are all being played exactly the way this administration and many members of Congress are hoping. They're hoping you'll be the hopeless fools you are. And you are! I don't care what side of this issue you're on. If you're actually debating this for fear such a Constitutional Amendment will or won't become the law of the land, you are an idiot! If you're screaming "Ban Gay Marriage," you're an idiot. If you're screaming "Support Gay Marriage," you're equally an idiot! An amendment to our constitution defining marriage in any way shape or form will never become law - NEVER! Why? BECAUSE IT'S A CONSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT you mindless, uneducated, ignorant sheep! KNOW THE DAMN LAW! This is not a "bill" we're talking about. It's a proposed amendment to the highest law in the land. Know what it'll take to become law? If you did, you wouldn't be getting snowed by our government. Instead, you'd be concentrating on issues the government DOESN'T want you to debate. Yeah! They got you doing the same thing they succeeded in doing in 2000 and 2004. For an amendment to be added to the US Constitution, it requires first a 2/3 Vote in BOTH chambers of Congress, followed by Ratification by 3/4 of the State legislatures. PEOPLE! That will never happen. It takes YEARS for an amendment to be ratified, especially one on a volatile issue like this one. You think the Republicans and Democrats currently in office don't know that? Of course they do you wankers! We've got so many very very REAL issues and problems in this country people that we can fix and change - but only if we don't get distracted the way those running for office in 2006/08 want. They want us to be divided and at each other's throats. They'll use this so-called wedge issue to distract us throughout their campaigns, just like they've done so many times before. Our only hope is to not get tricked again. Let's get back to debating REAL potential laws that are on the floor of Congress RIGHT NOW! Let's show Congress that we're not buying into their divide-the-people-on-social-issues game that they play at every election. Come on folks, how about: Government Corruption The Erosion of Our Bill of Rights Campaign Finance Reform Lobbyist & Special Interest Reform Illegal Alien Problems Falsified Rising Unemployment Figures 45% Loss of Manufacturing Jobs Increasing Outsourcing of Our Jobs High Gasoline Prices Declining Public School Education High Health Care Costs Tax Cuts for the Rich An Out of Control Fiscal Budget Rising Health Care Costs A National Debt Approaching 9 Trillion Dollars A Billion Dollar-a-Day War in Iraq An Increasingly Totalitarian Government These are issues that affect ALL OF US. They should be THE ONLY concerns we should be addressing right now. You need to pull together and show our elected officials that you're not falling for their silly games anymore. You can all be silly, mindless, ignorant little sheep and do exactly what your government wants you to do. Go ahead, argue about so-called laws that will never come to pass while those in power destroy our way of lives and our voice in government.